NEW Rural and Francophone Community Immigration Pilots (RCIP and FCIP)
The RCIP and FCIP are now open to applicants for 2025.

Changes to the International Student Program
Regulations regarding weekly work hours and changing DLIs

Increase in Students' Work Hours
Students' work hours have increased to 24-40 hours per week.

Could You Be a Lost Citizen of Canada?
If your direct family tree has a Canadian, you may be a lost…

NEW Community Immigration Pilots
Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) and Francophone Community…

NEW Cap and Guidelines for International Students
Yearly cap on study permits, changes to PGWP and OWP

Increased Proof of Funds for International Students
Cost of Living increased to $20,635; Increased student work hours…

Streamlining Work Permit Processing for Filipino workers
A Pilot Program for faster processing of work permit requirements

Yes, Workers Can Study in Canada
Study, improve, and better qualify for PR!
June 27, 2023,…

13 New Countries that Don't Need a Canadian Tourist Visa
Philippines, Thailand, Morocco, and more! Conditions apply.

PGWP Extended Another 18 Months
Expired or expiring PGWP qualifies for the extension

Come as a Tourist, Stay as a Worker - Extended!
Tourists in Canada can apply for jobs and stay as workers